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If I close my eyes,
I'll dream a little deeper, baby.
A little more about me.

PeiQi, Studying in DeyisSec 15thisYear Receive Present on 19/Jan :)

Give me A Dam Spam^^


Your only one step away.

Natalie Chloris Harry Mindy BoonHock Samuel Kelly Lihyii Venice QianYi Jean Shirley

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Applauses for them.

Layout proudly presented by Angeline from Paper!Heart.
Sunday, March 7, 2010 @ 8:01 AM

Can you spot me? o.o
Saturday, March 6, 2010 @ 12:24 AM

Today morning wake up once i receive her msg. Spent the whole day at home texting with her, playing dota and watching tv. I suddenly texted something random,i don't know what i was doing tho, LOL.Maybe gonna have dinner with ChinHian they all later bah.
Okay bye nothing much to post le.

*If you think what i said was a joke then don't bother talking to me bah.
Friday, March 5, 2010 @ 5:34 AM

When you are in love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams.
Back From Camp :D
@ 12:32 AM

Hii people, im back here to post :D.
haha today just back from camp, reach home around 1+. Tho the camp foods was disgusting but we have lots of fun,Especially during the postman walk^^.Whole class cant stop laughing when baoxing was climbing, he was like 1 joke.LOL.
k end of today le :D, feeling tired
Monday, March 1, 2010 @ 11:14 PM

Today School as normal,wake up around 7.Quickly Bathe and rush to school.I tot i wont be late for school but ended up late -_-.Have fun during PE lesson,tho kinda hot,haha.
Okay bye got nothing to blog about le.It a boring Day~

*Camp Gonna start tomorrow le,have anyone done packing?
Sunday, February 28, 2010 @ 3:53 AM

Wake up in the morning,9+ chinhian texted me after see-ing his msg i went back to sleep again,LOL. then 11+wake up again he texted me again then i went back to sleep again until 12+ woke up.i called chinhian,met him,zhenwei and samuel.Played bball awhile after that went home get changed then head down to hub,bought new shoes.Okay Byebye,nothing to post le.^^
samuel arh samuel.
A Funny Day
Saturday, February 27, 2010 @ 3:06 AM

Today went to amkhub,intent to watch movie with harry,chinhian,donovan and zijian but ended up not watching because theres is no new movie-.-then around 3+ went to have mac as lunch at choonboon mac,after we eat finish suddenly got 1 women come and sit beside us at first we tot she was some1 friends or mother but ended up a crazywomen she keep asking what time iszit now keep repeating and making friend with us, we was all shock and went outside sit,LOL.Okay end here, feeling dizzy le.BB :D
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